Atelier Haußmann : Selected Works

Rough, industrial-like, almost austere. Here is a selection of awesomely-scenographed furniture from the young Berlin-based design label Atelier Haußmann.

« More and more products appear on the market every day. Fashions and trends come and go. We don’t follow any fashions. Less is more. We try to do as little as possible when we work on our product design. It’s up to the product itself – its desire to be a bed, a hook or a table. We give it room to evolve, add some colour, perhaps another screw and tenderly care for it all the way to its final destination » – Atelier Haußmann.

Read the original post @ flodeau

High-speed liquid sculpture photography

German photographer Markus Seugels has presented a series of his latest liquid sculptures captured using a Sony SLR camera with flash and Arduino-based timing device.


Read the original post @ designboom